Represents command data for invoking a touch point macro in a preview control.


  • TouchPointCommandData


address: string

The address of a model in a Drive3D file.

entityName: string

The name of the entity to execute a macro.

hitNormalX: number

The X coordinate of the hit normal inside a 3d preview.

hitNormalY: number

The Y coordinate of the hit normal inside a 3d preview.

hitNormalZ: number

The Z coordinate of the hit normal inside a 3d preview.

hitPosition: string

The coordinates of the click position inside a 3d preview, in the format of a pipe delimited string.

hitPositionX: number

The X position of the click position inside a 3d preview.

hitPositionY: number

The Y position of the click position inside a 3d preview.

hitPositionZ: number

The Z position of the click position inside a 3d preview.

macroArgument?: string

The argument to execute the macro with.

macroName?: string

The name of the macro to execute.