Represents a specification.


  • SpecificationData


creatorId: string

The identifier of the user who created the specification.

creatorName: string

The name of the user who created the specification.

dateCreated: string

The date that the specification was created in ISO format.

dateEdited: string

The date that the specification was last edited in ISO format.

editorId: string

The identifier of the user who last edited the specification.

editorName: string

The name of the user who last edited the specification.

id: number

The unique identifier of the specification.

isArchived: boolean

Whether the specification has been archived.

isCreatorPermitted: boolean

Whether the creator has permissions to access the specification.

isUniversal: boolean

Whether everyone is permitted to access the specification.

name: string

The name of the specification.

originalProjectName: string

The original project name of the specification.

parentId: number

The unique identifier of the specification's parent, if it has one.

projectId: string

The unique identifier of the project that this specification belongs to.

specificationImageUrl: string

The resource path of the specification's image.

stateId: string

The identifier of the state that the specification is currently in.

stateName: string

The name of the state that the specification is currently in.

stateType: string

The type of the state that the specification is currently in.

tags: string[]

An array of specification tags.