Represents the configuration of the DriveWorksLiveClient.


  • DriveWorksLiveClientConfig


downloadStyle?: "cookie" | "header" | "query-string"

The method in which downloads should be authenticated.

formLoadingOverlay?: HTMLDivElement

A custom overlay that will be displayed during form loading.

formLoadingOverlayDetailsContainer?: HTMLDivElement

The container where loading progress information will be displayed in.

formPaddingBottom?: number

The bottom padding to apply to specification forms.

formPaddingRight?: number

The right padding to apply to specification forms.

measurementTextBoxUpdateIntervalSeconds?: number

The interval between inputting data into a measurement text box and it being sent to the server.

numericTextBoxUpdateIntervalSeconds?: number

The interval between inputting data into a numeric text box and it being sent to the server.

responseErrorDelegate?: ((response) => boolean)

Type declaration

    • (response): boolean
    • A function to call when an error response is received from the server.

      Return True to skip the default response handling.


      Returns boolean

responseSuccessDelegate?: ((response) => void)

Type declaration

    • (response): void
    • A function to call when a successful response is received from the server.


      Returns void

textBoxUpdateIntervalSeconds?: number

The interval between inputting data into a text box and it being sent to the server.